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Hemp Pellets

Hemp pellets can be made from hemp biomass or from hemp press cake and serve e.g. as nutritional animal feed, smokable products, or heating.


What are Hemp Pellets?

Hemp pellets can be produced either from hemp press cake (from hemp seeds), hemp stems, or from the whole biomass. The first step in the production process, regardless of whether the basic material is hemp biomass or hemp press cake, is drying the hemp. The mass is then shredded and finally pressed into a pellet form.
Hemp pellets made from hemp press cake activate the metabolism and promote muscle building. A hemp press cake is a by-product of hemp seed oil production and is produced during the cold pressing of hemp seeds. Thanks to a protein content of approx. 20% and a fat content of approx. 8%, hemp pellets made from hemp press cake are well suited as a nutritious animal feed.
Hemp pellets made from hemp biomass consist of 100% hemp biomass and are also very suitable as mixed feed. Hemp pellets made from hemp biomass still contain a small number of cannabinoids, which are said to have many positive properties.
Hemp pellets are generally rich in omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids and free of additives. Regular analyses of cannabinoids, heavy metals, and pesticides guarantee a high-quality and flawless product.
Besides being excellent as animal feed, e.g., for horses, they can also be used as heating material or for the production of smokable products.

Do you have any questions or want to work with us? Do not hesitate to contact us now. Our friendly team is always happy to help you!
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Building the hemp market of tomorrow
European Industrial Hemp Association
German Cannabis Industry Association
Association for Alternative Protein Sources
University of Hohenheim
Technical University of Munich
Pforzheim University
City University of Hong Kong
German Accelerator
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