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Our Commitment

Our commitment is multifaceted and purpose-driven. As visionaries in the hemp industry, we see it as our duty to proactively shape the world for future generations. To achieve this, we are involved not only in political dialogues but also support social organizations to effect meaningful change.


Hemp as the Key to a Sustainable and Innovative Future

Our commitment takes many forms, and we are proud to be pioneers in an emerging industry. In collaboration with the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA), we advocate not just for the German hemp industry but are also working on Europe-wide strategies. By pooling our efforts, we aim to reintegrate hemp into social and economic awareness.

Our priority? Sustainability as an integral part of our business model. This starts with CO2-neutral shipping and extends to our strict code of conduct, ensuring fair wages and working conditions for all involved.

Our organic certification is another pledge to our customers: We focus not only on quality but also on ethics. Controlled growing conditions for our raw materials are as important to us as innovative research approaches to further unlock hemp's potential.

We take our social responsibility seriously: We support not only local clubs and initiatives but also have a national reach. Whether it’s educational projects, health initiatives, or the promotion of sustainable technologies, we aim to make a positive contribution that goes beyond the hemp industry.


EIHA | European Industrial Hemp Association

The European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) is not only the sole pan-European organization in the industrial hemp sector, but also a strategic partner for us. Our ambitions go beyond being a standard member; through data provision, cooperative partnerships, personal involvement, and effective lobbying, we aim to exert a sustainable influence on the (legal) landscape of the hemp industry. This aligns with our broader mission to elevate the entire hemp sector and increase the acceptance of hemp products.

Florian Pichlmaier, our founder and CEO, was elected to the leadership board of EIHA on November 10, 2021. With his extensive experience and network in the finance and food industry, he will not only fortify the association but also set the course for future developments.



BvCW | Cannabis Industry Association

As a proud "Made in Germany" brand, it's imperative for us to forge strong partnerships with German companies and associations. That's why we've entered into a strategic collaboration with the Cannabis Industry Association (BvCW). This partnership allows us to play a significant role in the political discourse surrounding industrial hemp, both nationally and across Europe. Our focus is not solely strategic; we also have operational objectives. Our commitment aims to invigorate the hemp sector in Germany and Europe, foster innovative solutions, and drive sustainable development.



Organic certification

Signature Products zählt zu den wenigen Hanfunternehmen in Europa, die mit einer Bio-Zertifizierung ausgezeichnet sind. Unsere Produkte tragen das Bio-Siegel, weil sie gemäß den strengen EU-Richtlinien für den ökologischen Landbau produziert werden. Dies erlaubt uns, nicht nur zertifizierte Bio-Hanfsamen, Hanfprotein und Hanftee an unsere Kunden zu bringen, sondern auch hochwertige Bio-CBD-Öle "Made in Germany" herzustellen. Unsere Bio-Zertifizierung ist ein klares Zeichen unserer Verpflichtung zur Qualität und zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen, umweltfreundlichen Produktion.

EG-Control number:

Code number of the control body:




BALPro serves as a vibrant network of startups, established companies, and experts in the food sector in Germany, focusing on alternative protein sources. We not only exchange industry-specific knowledge but also collaborate to improve and evolve the supply chains for alternative proteins. Our collaborative efforts cover a broad array of specializations, including nutritional sciences, process engineering, product development, sustainability assessments, and business growth. Through our expertise in marketing, PR, and lobbying, we positively influence trade, consumers, and markets, propelling the industry forward.



Research & Development

Research Project: "TASTINO"

In partnership with the University of Hohenheim, we have launched an exciting project to develop meat substitute products from regionally sourced hemp protein. Supported by a generous grant from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Bioeconomy, we are focusing on innovative recipes and sustainable processing methods.

Research Project: "NewFoodSystems – hemp4Food"

In partnership with the University of Bonn, Rügenwalder Mühle, and Südzucker, we've launched a groundbreaking research project. Our focus lies on sustainably sourcing high-quality proteins from hemp seeds. Backed by funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, we are striving for a more sustainable future in nutrition.

Do you have any questions or want to work with us? Do not hesitate to contact us now. Our friendly team is always happy to help you!
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Building the hemp market of tomorrow
European Industrial Hemp Association
German Cannabis Industry Association
Association for Alternative Protein Sources
University of Hohenheim
Technical University of Munich
Pforzheim University
City University of Hong Kong
German Accelerator
© 2023 Signature Products GmbH. All rights reserved.