Signature Products has built an extensive network within the hemp industry. When we receive data, it's not just from public networks, because we exchange information with experts in the respective field and thus receive first-class information.
You want to get into the hemp market, but first you want to learn more about it so you can assess it better? You want to invest in the cannabis market or find out which price is appropriate for which product? Come to us - we will prepare high-quality market analyses for you.
Signature Products has built an extensive network within the hemp industry. When we get data, it's not just from public networks. We exchange ideas with experts in the respective area and obtain first-class information. You can rely on us.
What varieties of industrial hemp are there, what are the common prices, and what are the differences?
CBD, CBG, CBN, and more. What is behind these abbreviations and how can they be used?
Get to know the big players in the market and don't let the "hidden champions" take you by surprise.
Receive comprehensive market analyses based on current market data, customised to your needs.
An idea is not enough. We can help you create and implement your business plan and your financing model. We founded a hemp company ourselves and support many companies in trading hemp. Contact us today and we will convince you.
We are networked worldwide and cooperate with hemp farmers, producers, distributors, sellers, and associations. This enables us to find the right contact person for each of your projects. We are happy to help you if you are looking for special hemp products, need special certifications, or an expert opinion.
Are you a hemp expert yourself or do you offer unique products? Just contact us and we will check whether we can add you to our exclusive hemp network.
Signature Products GmbH
Klumpensee 2
75177 Pforzheim