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The Signature Products Team

Get to know the faces and personalities behind Signature Products.


Who is Signature Products?

Signature Products GmbH is not just a company but a brand that stands for quality, sustainability, and innovation. Headquartered in Germany and committed to the European hemp industry, we take pride in being 'Made in Germany' in every aspect. We specialize in contract farming of industrial hemp, trading of hemp raw materials, and private labeling of hemp products. Our extensive research and development make us a frontrunner in the hemp sector.

Our vision is clear: We strive to be the leading producer of industrial hemp in Europe, covering the entire value chain and aiming for CO2 neutrality through regionally grown hemp products. We achieve all of this through a dedicated team of experts and professionals constantly working to optimize our products and processes.

CEO | Co-Founder

Florian Pichlmaier

After completing his Bachelor in Business Law (LL.B.) and Master of Law (LL.M.) in England, Florian was involved in auditing and advising startups and venture capital firms at KPMG. During his academic years, he founded several startups with the vision of improving people's lives by providing high-quality products or services.

Convinced by the health benefits of CBD, Florian sought to make it available to his friends, receiving positive feedback in the process. This, along with his friend Tobias, led to the founding of Signature Products. Today, Florian leads the company primarily in the area of business development as its CEO. In 2022, he was appointed to the board of Europe's largest hemp association, EIHA, and was named by Forbes as one of the 30 most influential people under 30 set to impact the future.



Without a team, nothing works


Paul Myska

Sales director

Paul's Story

Matthew Himpson

Sales director ES & UK

Matthew's Story

Max Wölk


Max's Story
Contact us!
Do you have any questions or want to work with us? Do not hesitate to contact us now. Our friendly team is always happy to help you!
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Building the hemp market of tomorrow
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